Swades, a timeless Bollywood traditional directed by Ashutosh Gowariker, marks its twentieth anniversary in 2024. Starring Shah Rukh Khan, the movie explores themes of patriotism, self-realization, and social change. Set in rural India, it follows the journey of an NRI who returns to his homeland to create a distinction. The movie’s success lies in its compelling narrative, the highly effective music by A.R. Rahman, and memorable performances from its solid.
The making of ‘Swades’ was no simple feat, with the workforce dealing with a number of challenges to convey the story to life. The shoot passed off in actual rural settings, and Shah Rukh Khan immersed himself within the native tradition to arrange for his function. The behind-the-scenes efforts of the solid and crew, from set design to music, had been important in crafting an genuine expertise.
Scroll down for extra on the BTS of ‘Swades’.